Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge. Hebrew 13:4. Do you struggle with keeping your hands off your partner’s body when you are alone? Do you feel the rush of adrenaline running through you and ohh the butterflies? Maintaining sexual purity in courtship can be challenging but can be achieved.
How then can we maintain sexual purity in courtship ?
- Clearly define your boundaries regarding physical intimacy and communicate them to your partner. Agree on what is acceptable and what crosses the line for both of you.
- Establish a system of accountability with your partner or a trusted friend or even your parents. Regularly talk about your thoughts, feelings, and struggles, related to maintaining sexual purity.
- Building a healthy emotional bond is crucial in maintaining sexual purity. Invest time and effort in getting to know your partner on a deeper level, focusing on emotional intimacy and connection.
- Engage in activities that promote emotional closeness, such as deep conversations, shared interests, and experiences that build trust and understanding.
- Serve God together, study the bible and go to concerts together. Engage in social activities that will foster intimacy without giving room to sexual exploitation.
In conclusion, allow God to be at the very center of your relationships giving Him to guide you, lead, correct and heal you always as you journey to the marriage altar.