Here are the promised pictures. Please totally enjoy the as they were somewhat tricky to post. I still haven’t figured out how to get these pictures from Samsung galaxy to my Macbook. I can’t help but wonder if Apple is indirectly telling me to get an Iphone. Dear apple that won’t work with me. I would rather go back to a windows PC. Signed, my beautifully different self.
NB: Apologies for the poor quality of the pictures, I totally need to upgrade my phone. Still using the Galaxy S3!
Unhealthy Breakfast #Nofilter J
Before After
Yes! I do not always eat my fruits and veggies. This breakfast here was a Monday morning staple growing up. Back then my mom was not the badass cook she is now (cough) so most mornings we had bread and tea but on Monday mornings we had left over rice from Sunday lunch with tea. J I thought that this was a pretty normal breakfast everyone had until I got to college and my dear friend looked at me real funny when I suggested it one lazy morning. She did enjoy it after she opened her mind to the idea. So yep on some lazy mornings when I want a hot breakfast but cannot be bordered to cook, I eat rice and tea and I tell myself that because it is breakfast, I don’t have to put veggies in my rice! And Yes! I skin an oxtail bone real good J

They say you can tell a lot about someone by looking in their fridge so please tell me what my fridge says about me because I have no idea!

I love the red accents in my kitchen. Did you know my favourite color was green until I had kids and red became the favourite color of both my sons? Now I really think that red is my new favourite color. Don’t you just love motherhoodJ.
Dirty Laundry

Kids Bathroom

Kids Bedroom

I told you they weren’t grown.


I love having this dining table neat; so much that I make my sons eat most of their meals on the breakfast bar. Yep, I am a horrible mommy too!
Living Area

I have lived in this apartment for two months now and still don’t have a sofa. Apologies to all my guests that have had to endure this torture but I will get to it soon. I promise. I may even share updated photos with you all soon.
Pantry (Lagniappe) –A little extra

Wandering if this reveals something about me besides the fact that I live in an apartment that has a really tiny pantry!
Last but not Least….
My Imperfect Desk

Enough said.
Have an awesome day dear friends and family! Thank you all for taking out time to leave me comments via e-mail, face book, texts and Whatsapp. I truly appreciate your nod of encouragement to keep writing.
God Bless.