A man told me that marriage is by luck yesterday and I quickly disagreed. For a man, a good MARRIAGE is not by luck! A good marriage takes hard work and most importantly commitment by the married partners. To have a good marriage you need to intentionally seek it and work hard to achieve it. If a woman had said this, maybe I will let it go, because For women you can say so a little, because woman no dey go find wife, and woman no be head of family, but for a man, na, it is not by luck. To be honest, even for a woman, a good marriage is not simply a thing of luck, but let’s focus on the man today.
Any man who desires a great marriage can get it if he puts in the work to prepare himself for family leadership.
You are called to be a lover, learn how to love. You are called to be a servant leader like Jesus, learn to do that, then put effort into finding the right wife for you, and finish! Any man, I repeat, any man can have a great marriage if he is ready to put in the work. You just need to avoid the laziness of the body that keeps some men from not hustling enough to make money to support their families. Any woman including good women desires love and you need money to love a woman. Know this and know peace. Avoid cheating, NO, every man does not cheat, NO, you don’t need to cheat on your wife to be a G, As a matter of fact, cheating is dangerous and lots of men have contracted HIV and other incurable STDs due to cheating on their wives. Cheating is also emotionally and mentally damaging to your wives and children and can lead to costly divorce, please avoid cheating like a plague and if you already have a cheating lifestyle, start now to work hard to STOP 🛑. You can stop if you work hard at it.
Finally, avoid the desire to be a tyrant leader instead of a servant leader.
Being a servant leader takes sacrifice but it yields good fruits. My father went from being an oga at the top leader who never changed any of his children’s diapers to being a great servant leader who has been the main caretaker of 3 grandchildren and changed uncountable diapers since 2008. So if my 78-year-old father can make the change at 63 years old, you too can. many mothers are servant leaders to their children and you can see them reaping good fruits for this labor. Servant leadership is hard but it is the calling of a good husband and it yields great fruits🙌🏽📌📌
The last 2 slides are me and my Great Family leader whom I am training for somebody’s daughter. He takes care of himself with top-notch hygiene, well kept. No body or mouth odor. He works hard, full-time student, and works up to 30 hours a week to pay his way through University, and still pays bills, does all the grocery shopping including buying me gas for my car, and cooks for our household.

On top of that, he is loving it, he already asked me for my Christmas list last month when Christmas was still 6 months away. He believes with all his heart and head that cheating on your partner is morally, physically, and mentally wrong cos na me raise am! Tell me why he won’t have a great marriage!! 20-year-old man that even when he is sick as long as they have already scheduled him to work, I go beg tire, he will insist on going to work.

Dear young man, marriage is one of the BEST things you can strive for and prepare yourself for, in fact, a great marriage is a man’s greatest investment if he desires a good, long, healthy, and happy life. Don’t let anyone deceive you, good women are not complex, we are straightforward, we desire love, honesty, and happiness and we are abundant on this earth. All the best!!! Sha invite me to your wedding 💕.
Very educative 👏